Thursday, September 4, 2008

Note 40 - Stress..Pressure...Tertekan...

It has been 2 months since I've moved in here..Well, the house and the area are very nice and peaceful...but...the office environment is just so-so..tak tahulah kalau akak aje yang tak boleh suit in..entahlah..banyak perkara yang sempat diperhatikan sepanjang 2 mths...banyak sangat..and sudddenly, akak rasa macam nak melompat minta balik KL...I'm just not ready to be here...rasa macam terlalu rindu dengan hiruk-pikuk KL...wah...wah...wah...what a word!! dalam hiruk-pikuk tu ada kedamaian...

Sekarang, tengah fikir either to apply balik KL or just stay silence here...kalau tanya my mom opinion, dia suruh balik KL...kalau ikut hati akak, rasa macam esok jugak nak balik KL...

So, at the moment..akak stress and pressure giler...warghhhhhhh...what happen to me???

1 comment:

Caps said...

tak dpt tukar lagi ye kak eni?