Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Note 35 - 9th Anniversary

Today is 6th March 2008..And it was me and my hubby 9th anniversary...1st time kitorang jumpa was on 6th March 1999 and it was a cool date at One Utama...At the moment OU tu still kecik lagi..and Jusco je yang hidup kat sana...But as time goes by, OU dah naik 2nd wing...Some people called it 2U...hahahaha...okay, back to our sweet love story...we've met online..chatting la nih...not expected much from a cyber pal..bila jumpa on 6th March tu kita kawan...then kawan and still contacting each other....but something happens and in 2000, we've drifted apart...apesal agaknye ye..sampai hari ni never asked him about that! But, I still remember my friend words; kalau orang tu datang balik pada kita, means dia memang ditakdirkan untuk, bila our relationship continue balik in 2001, just think positive kita still kawan and I've never had a heart to hate him...Tapi, dari kawan, tidak disangka-sangka...berkekalan hingga ke hari ini, was married on 16th May 2003...
so, 9 years dah kita jumpa...9 happy years...and happier now with our sweet little cutie kid...Iman...
To my hubby, thanks a lot for the 9th happy years..and thanks a lot for accepting me for who I am...To our Iman, be good always..mama and ayah love u very much...


Atie.Rashid said...

hepi anniversary kak aini......semoga kekal bahagia hingga akhir hayat...n to Iman, stay cute ye cayang....

bile nak ade Iman Junior? heheheheh

Hani said...

appy anibersary mama n papa iman... moga selalu dirahmati allah dan murah rezeki... hehehehe

ainizat said...

Ini anniversary mula anniversary bulan may...

anyway, thank u...thank u...thank u...

amydaud said...

hahaha....tiap kali nak anniversary mesti tingat kenangan lama....kat mane mula2 tempat bersua & memulakan kater2....heh...kenangan yang dirindui..